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All types of pacifiers can be found here. You can find the Blush & Ivory Silicone pacifiers here. Pacifiers for babies from 0-36 months, BIBS pacifiers, silicone pacifiers.

Silicone Pacifier

Babies are born with sucking reflexes. Then these reflexes gradually disappear. The first thing a baby who has just opened his eyes to the world will do is suck to breastfeed. This way you can feed your newborn with breast milk as soon as possible. The baby who receives breast milk fills his belly and feels secure. That's why he wants to suck all the time. The best way to respond to the baby's sucking instinct is to use a pacifier after breastfeeding. But is every pacifier healthy for your baby? I'm going to buy my baby a silicone pacifier , which product should I buy? If you are looking for silicone pacifiers that will not harm your baby's health, you have come to the right place!

What are the benefits of using a pacifier?

Meeting the urge to suck, which is an innate reflex, creates a sense of confidence in babies. When this instinct is satisfied, the baby feels peaceful and relaxed. This makes his sleep more comfortable and develops better because he is able to sleep. When they awaken from their light sleep, the pacifier they put in their mouth will give them a sense of confidence, making it easier for them to go back to sleep. This way, the baby who is pacifier- feeding will find it easier to achieve sleep patterns. Finger sucking may be observed in the future in babies who are not given pacifiers . It is healthier for them to suck on the pacifier rather than their finger. Likewise, the baby who has gotten used to thumb sucking may not give up the habit for a long time. It is relatively easy to break the pacifier habit.

Using a pacifier can also help develop the different skills of babies. For example, if your baby cannot see the pacifier that he took out of his mouth while sleeping, when he wakes up he will try to find it with his hand and bring the pacifier to his mouth. In the meantime, he will also develop his fine motor skills. Otherwise, the baby who is prone to crying may continue sleeping after taking the pacifier. Especially for babies who cannot drink breast milk, pacifier will be a great distraction in the moments of hunger until the food is prepared.

What are the benefits of silicone pacifiers?

Pacifiers are made from two different raw materials, silicone and rubber. Rubber pacifiers, being a natural material, become elastic. Since they are durable, they are suitable for babies who poop or come out, but they can easily spoil if they absorb water. The silicone pacifier is made of silicone. These break-resistant pacifiers can be preferred to babies who have not yet started teething, as they are not very resistant to hard impacts. Otherwise, they can be used for an average of up to 3 months without showing signs of deterioration. Since they are heat-resistant, they can be boiled and sterilized. They are tasteless and odorless. In addition, they do not cause allergies in the sensitive bodies of babies.

What should I consider when buying a silicone pacifier for my baby?

Conflicting statements from experts on giving pacifiers to babies also confuse parents. However, the most important thing here is to choose the right pacifier for your baby. For this reason, it is very important that the silicone pacifier you choose is orthodontic, especially if your baby is over 1 year old. Orthodontic pacifier means that the pacifier should have a structure that is suitable for your baby's mouth structure, evenly distributes the pressure on the gums and teeth, keeps the tongue in the right position and reduces the pressure on the palate.

High-quality and useful silicone pacifiers at Muffin&co!

You can find silicone pacifier types from brands that make quality products for babies at Muffin&co! Different models suitable for your baby at different ages and according to your preferences, as well as silicone pacifiers in bright colors and patterns are offered to you. At Muffin&co you will find silicone pacifiers for every budget at the most affordable prices. You can also buy different products for your baby and discover his favorite pacifier; you can let him grow in safety, peace and without compromising your health.


Crochet pacifier chain personalized from wood and textile. Large selection at great prices. Sweet colors and cute designs! Shop online at Muffinandco.

Pacifier chain

You would be surprised if you knew how useful pacifier chain products are. With the Muffin&co difference, we offer you pacifier chains in stylish designs.

The favorite activity of your little baby who has just opened his eyes to the world is sleeping and sucking. In fact, your baby loves sucking so much that sometimes you will notice him trying to suck his hand and fingers. Because the sucking reflex is the first reflex that your baby triggers in the womb and makes the infant feel secure. For this reason, you need a pacifier that prevents you from depriving your baby of this feeling, except when you are breastfeeding your baby. But the little ones are so active and magical that these pacifiers keep disappearing. You can't find where your baby threw or dropped his pacifier. Even if you find it, it is no longer hygienic because it falls and you have to wash and clean it. The best solution to save yourself the trouble of looking for a pacifier would be to buy a pacifier chain .